How to win the college admissions game and get into your #1 school.
Our Services
Essay Coaching
Not long ago, all you needed to get into a top school were good grades and a high SAT score. Your essays didn’t really matter. Now it’s the exact opposite: the college essay is king. Why? Because leading universities are inundated with so many highly qualified candidates that they turn to your personal statement and supplemental essays to decide who they want and who they don’t. If your essays are bold, original, compelling, and endearing, every school will try to find a spot for you. (Assuming you’ve got the grades to back it up — but even sometimes if you don’t!)
Candidacy Building
Whether you’re applying to college this fall, or you’re an underclassman who’s trying to map out your high school courses, extracurriculars and internships for the next few years, we provide strategic guidance to help you boost your credentials and win the college admissions game. The key to getting into a top university is to start your planning early. And the courses you take, the activities you pursue, the career opportunities you explore – those all paint a very clear picture to admissions officers about the type of candidate you are. The sooner you start, the stronger your college application will be.
Private SAT/ACT Tutoring
Lately, many colleges have been experimenting with test-optional or test-blind admissions policies. But a strong showing on the SAT or ACT is still the single best indicator of college preparedness — and every college knows this. To boost your score, you can take your chances at one of those one-size-fits-all testing centers. Or you can sign up for our private, one-on-one tutoring program, where we tailor the entire course to fit your particular learning needs, and the whole program is on Zoom, so you never have to leave your home.
“Big Green helped Nina crush her college essays and get into Columbia. And last year, they helped our son score 1560 on his SATs and get into two of his top three schools, including MIT and Caltech.”
– Layla and Martin, Pensacola FL